Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Nursery Part 1

I have been excited to get started on the nursery FOREVER, but I have zero energy recently, so I really haven't gotten a chance to get started on anything other than looking at gorgeous Pinterest posts of nurseries.  Here are the ones I am in LOVE with:



 So, pretty much, I am in love with safari themed neutral nurseries (and apparently that giant useless giraffe + those adorable baby animal prints on the wall).  Anyways, THIS is what we are starting with:
Beautiful, isn't it? Clearly we have far too much crap. The future nursery is currently a catch-all junk room. It has everything from our Europe trip and awesome wedding parties this summer. It also has all my books, therapy toys, and Wayne's shoes.... Clearly, step one of the process will be to get it cleaned out. I think we'll sell the desk, and I am hoping that we can move the book shelves into the living room. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever have as much light as these nurseries, but I'm hoping I can still manage to make it bright during the daytime (and dark at night). Step two will be picking out the furniture. I'm hoping we'll be able to get a lot of it at Ikea since its cheaper... Then I can actually start on the fun part! Decorating! On a side note, I suck at taking panorama shots...

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