Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Our First Prenatal Class

This past weekend, Wayne and I won a draw for a free all-day prenatal class through Mommy Connections. It was a Mom To Be class.
I  never win anything, so it was pretty exciting! I'm definitely not used to sitting for a whole day anymore (it amazes me how quickly that skill leaves), so 9-4 was a pretty long class. It really focused on post-natal stuff and some prenatal stuff. There was a presentation on prenatal yoga, birthplans/pregnancy nutrition/duolas, developing a sleep routine for baby, car seat safety, breastfeeding, postpartum depression, essential oils, RESPs, and prenatal massage... I don't THINK I am forgetting anything. The highlights were definitely the Sleep Well Baby presentation (children in my family typically are HORRIBLE sleepers), car seat safety (super practical, and Travis brought carseats in to demonstrate and explain how to put carseats in), and the Heritage RESPs presentation (again ridiculously practical, and some of it had changed since Wayne learned about RESPs, so it was a good heads-up).
We got an awesome Swag Bag as well from them... Check out the haul.... Aren't those newborn diapers adorable? (I guess you can't really see how itty bitty they are in this pic).
On a side note, I also picked up a trial package from the Honest Company.... I've heard a ton of good things about them, so I thought I'd pick some up. The trial came with 10 wipes and 7 diapers (I know, we'll go through it FAST, but every little bit helps!). Aren't they cute?!?! I'm in love with the Bam, Whack, Pow one for some reason.
One of the books I was reading said that babies go through 80 diapers a week in the beginning! Isn't that insane??? I'm trying to stock up, but I'm not really sure how many newborn vs. size 1 to get. Any advice on getting cheap diapers? The awesome Kalee Haanen sent me the Canadian Mom's Guide to Saving on Diapers... Let me know if you have any tricks though! I need all the help I can get (because apparently on AVERAGE people spend $3,000 on diapers, which seems super ridiculous). Is it worth it to do a combo of cloth diapering and disposable? I feel like I wouldn't stick with a rigid cloth diapering deal, so I feel like it'd lose the benefit of being cheaper.... Thoughts?

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