Tuesday, January 13, 2015


We went for our 20-week ultrasound today, and it was pretty exciting!!! Baby Ng cooperated, so we were able to find out his/her gender (although she said it can't be a 100% guarantee because it never can be).  I still haven't been able to get in contact with my Mom and Esther (dang 11.5 hour time difference), so we'll have to keep that announcement on the down-low until I can contact them. Baby Ng was moving a TON to the point the ultrasound tech even commented on it, and he/she had hiccups which were pretty cute. Anyways, here's a picture of Baby Ng's profile... What a cute little nose! I'm a little in love already.

How Far Along??  20 weeks now! Its hard to believe that we're half way! Baby Ng is the size of a banana and has working taste buds now. The ultrasound tech said Baby Ng is just under a pound right now.

Maternity Clothes: Like I said during the last post, I got into these puppies ASAP because I hated things touching my waist, and I had an awesome coworker, Haley, who lent me her maternity clothes. This past week though, I made my first maternity clothing purchase. They are a pair of leggings from Cravings, and I am IN LOVE. Best fancy sweatpants ever. I am debating checking if they have them in other colors...

Stretch Marks: Not yet! After my last post, one of my classmates from Minot wrote and suggested BioOil (Thanks, Maegan :)), so I ran out and bought a bottle from Shopper's. I've done a lot of reading that says it doesn't matter what you put on your skin because its only at the surface level, but I am more than willing to try rubbing oil on my belly on the off chance it keeps the stretchies away. PLUS, it makes my skin feel soft.

Sleep: It's still going fairly well! The weird dreams have subsided for now.

Best Moment This Week: Definitely the ultrasound! Baby Ng is so cute (to me anyways- to many others he/she may be a homogenous black and white blob).

Miss Anything: Sangria (why does it seem to be everyone's special right now???) and tobogganing.

Movement: YES! This happened for the first time over Christmas when Wayne set the alarm off on the house by accident while I was sleeping. Apparently, the adrenaline rush kick-started Baby Ng's gymnastic career. V-sits are now Baby Ng's favorite, and I definitely have a Night Owl in there.

Food Cravings: Dill Pickles... Although its not like an I MUST EAT PICKLES craving, its more like if there are pickles in front of me, I must eat all of them. Mmmmmm, pickles.

Food Aversions: I still abhor beef and all its biproducts. Blech. And not a fan of fried food or satayed peppers.

Belly Button In or Out: In.

Wedding Rings On or Off:  On.

Looking Forward To: Starting to decorate Baby Ng's room! Although, its a HUGE mess right now and has essentially been used as a storage room, so it needs to be cleared out....

Verse of the Week: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

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