Monday, December 29, 2014

Welcome to the Baby Ng Bump Watch!

Hi Friends & Family!

Wayne & I (okay, mostly me) wanted to set up a space that could keep those of you informed about the pregnancy that were interested in it, but we didn't want to inundate those of you who didn't want to get Facebook pregnancy belly pics, room updates, and registry links all the time. The attempted solution is this website! Feel free to click to receive e-mail updates if you're interested in following our journey or just pop by when you feel like it...


How far along: 18 weeks (just over 4 months), so Baby Ng is the size of a sweet potato and is working on getting much bigger right now. God is also in the process of giving him or her fingerprints.
Verse of the Week:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
~Jeremiah 1:5a~
Maternity Clothes: Oh yah, I got into these suckers a couple weeks ago... I like them so much better than a hair elastic around the pants button. I really hate having anything touching my belly.
Nausea:  Yup... Lots of it. So far this pregnancy has blown chunks - literally and figuratively.  It has eased off a bit once we hit 16 weeks, but I still puke every 5 days or so.... I've come to the conclusion that Baby Ng is just a bit bulimic.
Stretch Marks: Nope... I am scared to death of these puppies since I got them during my adolescent growth spurt and am sure I'll get them during pregnancy.
Sleep: Still pretty good. I am a side sleeper most of the time, which works out great for pregnancy. I have had some weird dreams though... I'll have to write down the next one. :)
Best Moment of the Week: Not puking on Sunday or Monday... and some awesome friends got engaged (not baby related but whatever)... AND Baby Ng got his or her first present.
Miss Anything: I am REALLY missing alcohol (like wine & rum and eggnog) which surprises me a whole ton since I'm not a big drinker. It's Christmas season though and everyone is drinking awesome drinks..
Movement: Not yet...
Food Cravings: I am loving fruit snacks and mixed salad with ranch dressing...
Food Aversions: I still have a super strong aversion to beef and its smell - much to Wayne's chagrin.
Belly Button In or Out:  Still in. :)
Wedding Rings On or Off:  On
Looking Forward to: Our first ultrasound on January 13th
My Gender Guess: I think its a girl, thus why this background is pink... I keep looking at girly rooms, girl names, and ideas on the internet. I have absolutely no basis for this other than my puking all the time. Also, Wayne is hoping for a girl, so maybe that influenced it?
Chinese Gender Prediction: According to the Chinese gender prediction, I am having a boy. We plan to find out the gender at the ultrasound if Baby Ng is cooperative, so hopefully we'll find out for sure January. What are you guys thinking?

Anyways, more Baby Ng Belly pics below. They're full length. Thanks to Essie for taking the pictures!! :)